I know many of you might have recently saw the hit blockbuster "Inception. " Well needless to say I left speechless knowing how with a few technology experts, others can share your dreams. My husband brought it to my attention that usually in every dream there is always someone else in there with you, whether you want them there or not. Obviously then a dream is not just for you, but for you to share with others. You know those dreams you decided to push aside thinking no one really cares? Well someone does. God always intended for you to share your dreams and for them to not only be a blessing to you, but for others also. Ask Joseph in the Bible. His dream was not only for him or his family, but for a whole nation! Can you even picture your dream turning a whole nation right side up? Begin to believe it and don't let intruders intercept your inception. Want a place to fertilize your dream? Meet me at my Women's Conference, September 15-19 2010. Check our website http://www.crcglobal/ for more details. Listen... don't take your dreams to the grave, or else no one will be able to benefit from them.