Everybody who knows me understands my deep passion for Turner Classic Movies. My husband always tells me that television is now in “color” and that I don’t always have to watch television in black and white. However, there is something about the movie scripts of those old classics that help me to remember how life used to be when it came to loyalty, friendship, dedication and family values.
Oh, I know that there was some behind the scenes discontent in people’s lives and what we always saw was not always what was portrayed. But my friend, in “full Technicolor” gone are the days of what it meant to be true to one’s self, devotion and family morals.
In Technicolor we are smeared with wife/husband swapping shows, no loyalty in friendships and huge amounts of disrespect for life. No wonder our news is filled with heavy percentages of divorce, kids emotionally abusing other kids and no respect for life. Gone are the days when we tried to play these characteristics down in black and white. Everyone wants “Technicolor”. It looks better in color!
Some of us thought of Audrey Hepburn as the epitome of beauty and poise, now we have Lady Gaga because she has more color pizzaz! Now our devotion is to try to live out colorful reality shows, just to come to the conclusion that it is what it is-- just a “show”.
Realistically, I know we can’t go back to yesterday and only some of us will be committed black and white die hards. There are many great attributes to embrace in the “now” however, we can’t let the color blind us from being loyal in our families, learning how to get along with other people and holding a healthy respect for life.
Great post. I love the old black and white movies. Audrey Hepburn was one of my favorites. Its actually getting harder to find them on tv now days.
ReplyDeleteCyndiAKADisneyqueen...thanks for reading the blog, it is my prayer that more quality shows like our black and whites will be made in the 2lst century.
ReplyDeleteLady J
ReplyDeleteI understand what you mean about the television shows that are on today. It cant help but be disloyalty in relationships,friends,family etc. Especially when I see shows like "For the love of Ray J" and "Flavor Flay" or whatever his name is these are shows where these men are trying to find a mate, and they move all these women in the house with them to pick somebody that they know fool well they are not going to be with. What people need to realize is they purposely pick somebody they don't want to get another season of junk on MTV. We as Christian need to put on our armor so that we can stand in these evil days. And quit being so drawn in by the world and the things of the world and in doing so we can show more love and loyalty to our fellow man.
Lady J, although I have not seen the "black and whites" I do agree that tv today is at a loss for family values. I rarely watch any shows on tv anymore. I like watching HGTV, a little news to keep up, Joyce Meyer, and of coarse, Bishop on Sundays. I have to watch what comes in my eyegates and eargates and tv is not doing it for me. Which one do you suggest I watch to start with? Maybe you will get me started on these "black and whites."
ReplyDeleteKimberly...I agree with you what we constantly send through our eyegates we eventually try to act out or become...so I feel you on that...but some black and whites are pretty neat...why don't you try "Sabrina" with Audrey Hepburn:)
ReplyDeletePrainsister...yes as Christians we must stand for what we believe or we will fall for everything! What is going on inside of us that makes us want to be so accepted like the world? Could it be our human nature needs more discipline from God's word?
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can venture to say its a finding of self. Cant you remember being in your twenties and you were trying to find who you were, and what kind of people you wanted to hang out with? I know for me it was that away I went thru a whole lot of hurt and pain. A lot of self inflated pain to, from just not paying attention and then other pain people put on me. Until I found Jesus and I mean really and truly found him. And like you just said I got in the word and in a good church where the word was going forth so I could continue my walk in Christ then I began to give all of my hurt, and pain and low self esteem and trying to find who I was all of that over to him and he showed himself to me and started working things out for me opening doors the works I can go on and on and on. God is good. Not saying I am perfect because God knows I am not and I am still growing each day. I know that's all off the subject but that's what my answer would be to that question. I guess what I am saying all in a nut shell is that you need to get in Jesus and he will show you who you are and what you need to do.
ReplyDeletePraingsister, you are definitely on the right track...your journey with God is going to be an enjoyable one and guess what? there is also going to be some other ladies heading in the same direction that you are and you will enjoy relating too.:)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading the post. I have not had the privilege of watching "black and whites" but I will begin with the suggestion that you gave Kimberly. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Pastor Janeen. Many of those 'black and white' classics of times past reflect a day when things were much more black and white (morally) ... a time when we as a society embraced Christian values more than we do today. Yet I believe God has drawn a line in the sand. And He is calling forth a people who love the things He loves and who despise the things He despises. He is looking for true worshipers who will embrace and live by the black and white standards set forth in His Word rather than being conformed to the muted and varied colors of this present age. Romans 12:2 tells us, 'Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...'
ReplyDeleteHi Pastor Janeen,
ReplyDeleteI have MISSED you. We no longer live in VA. Moved June 2006 so I'm glad the LORD has allowed me to find you online.
Praying all is well with you and your family!
As a fellow die-hard black and white fan and Turner Classic Movie lover (Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Anne Baxter and Audrey Hephburn etc...I can say I agree!!!
You said it best in this paragraph where Peter and I shouted AMEN as I read your words aloud: "Some of us thought of Audrey Hepburn as the epitome of beauty and poise, now we have Lady Gaga because she has more color pizzaz! Now our devotion is to try to live out colorful reality shows, just to come to the conclusion that it is what it is-- just a “show”."
Thank you for still and always keeping it real with us. Love you.